
Advanced Excercises on the Reformer
I believe that Pilates is, first and foremost, EXERCISE. When classically taught, it is a unique and effective total body workout that honors the original method of Joseph Pilates, and utilizes the exercises and apparatuses that he created. I want my clients to leave feeling strong and energized; you will learn to initiate movement from your core, strengthening the deepest muscles, while lengthening and stretching the body as a whole.

Teaching the 100Many instructors just “give” or show exercises and have you either follow along, or explain how to do it. They watch to make sure you’re doing it right, cheer you on and feel that is all they need to do. This may be fine for beginners, but Pilates is a complex, deeply layered, intelligently devised system of movement. In order to teach Pilates well, an instructor must first have extensive experience with the method in their own body. It takes years for an individual to truly accomplish this, and this is only the beginning of being able to teach. There are levels of understanding Pilates that occur within the body over a period of time. The more you mindfully practice, the deeper your understanding.

I continue to learn even after years of practicing. Teaching Pilates is a similar process. I believe you need to teach the method with a method, a process, and well thought out progressions. How I teach is just as important as what I teach. To me, bringing clients through this process is the art of teaching. And how you are taught will make ALL the difference in your workout.