Pilates Mat Class

Pilates Mat Class
Mat class is a fun, affordable way to learn Pilates and to maintain your Pilates practice. Even if you already take one-on-one or semi-private sessions on the apparatus, mat work complements and enhances your Pilates experience!

Joseph Pilates believed that if we performed his Contrology exercises faithfully and regularly (4 times/week), we would find our “body development approaching the ideal, accompanied by renewed mental vigor and spiritual enhancement”. The mat exercises are an integral part of Pilates, and many believe they are the heart and soul of the method. Mat class is a great way to learn sequence and proper form for the exercises, and to be challenged with rhythm and tempo. We all learn from each other, and group classes provide the opportunity to see people of varying ability doing the exercises, to hear specific body cueing for different individuals, and to experience the flow of movement so important to Pilates.

If you are new to Pilates, and are interested in trying a Pilates mat class, Beginner Mat is for you. Beginner Mat is the foundation for all other Pilates mat classes. You will learn the basic exercises and concepts of Pilates while gaining core strength, stability and greater flexibility. Regardless of your athletic ability, if you have had no previous experience with Pilates, you’ll need to take this class in order to learn proper technique for the exercises, and to safely and efficiently progress to the next level. Simply learning the position and action of the exercise is truly only the beginning. Pilates requires your mind to control your muscles, and there are many things to think about with each movement. It takes time for the body to assimilate the information. Beginner Mat provides a strong foundation from which to advance.

Advanced Mat is for individuals who are experienced in the Pilates method, know the classical mat exercises, and are ready to be challenged. This class involves all of Joseph Pilates’ original 34 Contrology exercises, and focuses on building strength and stamina, while improving flow and precision. The Magic Circle and weights are often incorporated, as well as more advanced exercise variations and Reformer On The Mat exercises.